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Friday, November 12, 2010

Chapter 25 - Disaster in the Weather Institute!!

Continuing from the previous chapter where Rize and Schumi chased the Absol and found themselves at the Weather Institute.
Schumi: Look here! I don't care what you're up to but I'm going to catch that Absol!
Rize: He's all yours..
Just when Schumi was about to battle Absol, an explosive from the Weather Institute window blow up!
Rize: What the?! Is that Absol's doing??!!
Schumi: Tch! I'll put an end to these disasters this Pokemon heave been doing by capturing it! Bagon attack!

Rize: Wow! Schumi actually have a Bagon!(Rize took out his Pokedex)

" Bagon the rock head Pokemon. It is a Dragon type. Bagon's well-developed neck and ironlike can smash boulders into pieces. Dreaming of one day flying, it practices by leaping off cliffes everyday. "

Again before Schumi was about to attack Absol, Team Magma came out from the Weather Institute.
Rize: Team Magma!! So that explosion was your doing?! What're you up to this time?!
Magma Grunt: It's that brat again who foil our plan at Mt.Chimney!!
???: So this is the kid that foil our failed mission at Mt.Chimney?? Interesting! I've been eager to meet with you!
Rize: Who are you?!

Tarbitha: I am Tarbitha! The geat Executive of Team Magma! Let me see what you're made of!
???: Help!! They've stolen a Pokemon from the Weather Institute!
Tarbitha: Aahh.. Prof.Tenqi.. you survived that explosion! I'm very impressed!
Rize: Give back the Pokemon you've stolen!
Tarbitha: Okay how bout a deal! If you can beat me in a fair Pokemon Battle then I will give the Weather Pokemon back!
Rize: let's do this! Mudkip attack!
Tarbitha: Seviper kill them!

Just before they battle each other, Schumi step in the battle.
Schumi: Hold it! I will battle this Magma guy! It appear that my Zangoose became so restless due to his Seviper's presence! Zangoose Slash attack!

It appeared that it was not Absol's doing but it was Team Magma's the culprit of the troubles in the Weather Institute. Will Schumi be able to defeat Tarbitha the Executive from Team Magma?! Or will he be defeated like Rize been defeated by Shelly the Executive from Team Aqua?! Find out on the next chapter!!

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