Prof.Birch: It's really good to be young! Brings back memories when I was young travelling to Johto! Here I got something for you! It's a new Pokedex that can identify Pokemon that can be discovered in the Johto region!

Rin: Hey Rize! Too bad for the Pokemon League! But now you're going to Johto! I really envy you! When you return from Johto make sure you come and show me all the Pokemon you've catch okay?
Rize: Don't worry! I will! Prof. I will leave all my Pokemon under your care okay! I will be going to Johto with just my Marshtomp!
Prof.Birch: Eh? Sure thing.. but why?
Rize: I wanna start a fresh journey and besides I also want to catch new Pokemon for my team!
Prof.Birch: Okay then... that's a good idea. Anyway you can always go to the Pokemon Centre and contact me to send your Pokemon anytime you want if you need them. Once you have arrived in Johto you will be in Olivine Town, Prof.Elm will fetch you and take you to his lab in New Bark Town.Well take care then!
Mom: All the best son!
Rin: Good Luck!
Rize: Allright! You guys take care too! Take care! My Pokemon! I will miss you guys!
Swellow,Aron,Vulpix,Glalie,Milotic: Growll....
Mom: Oh wait! Almost forgot! Here let me give you your new year's gift. It's a Pokegear!

Mom: It's like your Pokenav but it is more hi tech and can be wear at your wrist like watch! It's more convinent!
Rize: Thanks mom! Then I will let you keep my Pokenav.
Rize went to Slateport City with a cab and board the Ferry to the Johto region.
What kind of adventures await him? What kind of Pokemon will he meet and catch? Find out on the next chapter!
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