Steven: It's been more than a day! Will they make it?! I don't know when this Wall Barrier gonna last to contain the destruction!!
Beep beep.. Steven's Pokenav is ringing
Steven: Rize!! How is it?!
Rize: Don't worry Steven we will never let you down! Look at the sky we will be arriving soon!
Rize and Schumi arrived with Latias and Latios and gathered with Steven, Elite 4 and the Rangers while Rayquaza go into the battleground of Kyogre and Groudon from above the Wall Barrier created by the Regis.

Rayquaza with its might unleashed a huge roaring and stopped Kyogre and Groudon from battling each other.
Kyogre and Groudon seems to have calmed down from their rage and returned to their original resting place. Kyogre went into the deep ocean, Groudon went back to Mt.Chimney and Rayquaza flew back up to the sky to the atmosphere.
Rize: Rayquaza thanks alot!!
Luffy: It's incredible! With just one roar Rayquaza managed to scare Kyogre and Groudon and calmed them from fighting.
Schumi: What a sight to see!
Hiroshi: Now now let's report to the headquarters!
Steven: We have to report to the Pokemon Association too! And don't forget, the incident might have ended but the damage costed need to be repaired. There are lot of cities and towns that were destroyed by Kyogre and Groudon!
Drake: It might take a year to fully recovered everything back to normal, this Sootopolis City is the worst of them all.
Juan: Noo... My Hometown... T.T
And so.. finally Kyogre and Groudon have been calmed down and the fight have been ended, the weather has also cleared and went back to normal but it will probably take a year to recover all the damage..but at least Hoenn is saved from total destruction. Wait! But how about the Pokemon League Competition? Stay tuned!
Rayquaza Lv.90