Referee: The Gym Battle between Rize the challenger and Brendan the son of the Gym Leader will take place! It's a 3 on 3 Pokemon Battle! Only the challenger is allowed to make a substitution!
Rize: " 3 Pokemon! What is he gonna use? So far I've seen 3 Pokemon of his, Skitty, Spinda and Whismur! All are Normal types! But maybe he have other Pokemon too."
Brendan: Let's begin! Loudred on the spot!

" Loudred the big voice Pokemon. It is the evolved form of Whismur. The shock waves from its cries can tip over trucks. It stamps its feet to power up. "
Rize: Your Whismur evolved?!
Brendan: Yup! Yesterday when we part ways.
Rize: Swellow! go!
Referee: Trainers begin!
Rize: "We have to strike first!" Swellow! Quick Attack!
Brendan: Loudred! Uproar!
Loudred used Uproar and unleashed a very loud voice attack that can even stop Swellow on its assault.
Brendan: Now Supersonic!
Swellow is confused by the Supersonic attack.
Rize: " What do I do now?! Hey I heard putting back into the Pokeball cures confusion!" Swellow retreat!
Rize retreated Swellow.
Rize: Aron your turn! Use Metal Claw!
Loudred was hit by the Metal Claw.
Brendan: Switching to a high defense Pokemon is a good choice! However, Loudred Supersonic!
Rize: We're not falling to the same trick again! Aron use Dig to hide underground and attack from below!
Aron dug to the ground and attacked Loudred and KO it.
Referee: Loudred is unable to battle! Aron win!
Brendan: Not bad! Chimecho you're next!

" Chimecho the wind chime Pokemon. A Psychic type. Chimecho emitted ultrasonic cries to float on winds to travel great distance. "
Brendan: Just because this Gym specialize in Normal Type Pokemon doesn't mean all my Pokemon are all Normal Type! I'm not the Gym Leader afterall!
Rize: Who cares! Aron Take Down!
Brendan: Chimecho Confusion!
Confusion stopped Aron's attack and hurt Aron as well.
Brendan: Hidden Power!
Referee: Aron is unable to battle! Chimecho win!
Rize: Swellow back into the air! Quick Attack!
Brendan: Haven't learn your lesson yet? Stop it with Confusion!
Rize: Double Team!
Swellow made hologram copies of itself avoiding Confusion attack and hit with a hard Quick Attack.
Referee: Chimecho is unable to battle! Swellow win!
Brendan: Chimecho's defense is not so good. Delcatty go!

" Delcatty the prim Pokemon and the evolved form of Skitty. It dislikes dirty places. It often searches for a comfortable place in which to groom itself. It is popular among female Trainers for its sublime fur. "
Brendan: Thanks for your Moon Stone that I could evolve my Skitty.
Rize: "Cih! So that's why he wanted that Moon Stone!" Are you a girl?! Swellow Wing Attack!
Brendan: Fake Out!
Delcatty stop Swellow with Fake Out.
Brendan: Now Sing!
Swellow was put to sleep with Sing attack.
Rize: What?! That's not fair!
Altough asleep, Swellow is bursting in power with its abillity, Guts activated.
Rize: Allright this is the first time Guts activated!
Brendan: It won't do you any good if you can't attack us! Double Slap!
Referee: Swellow is unable to battle! Delcatty win!
Rize just got 1 more Pokemon left to battle and so is Brendan! Will he be able to win?! Find out on the next chapter!
Loudred Lv.13
ReplyDeleteSwellow Lv.14
Aron Lv.12
Chimeco Lv.8