Rize quickly checked his Pokedex to find out what Pokemon is that. Unfortunately his Pokedex didn't have any data of the Pokemon so Rize intend to catch this rare Pokemon! Just when he want to battle it a kid came and shouted at Rize.
Kid: Leave the Vulpix alone!
Rize: What?! Why is that?! I want to catch it! So this Pokemon is called Vulpix huh?
Kid: You can't catch it! I found it first!
Rize: What make you can prevent me to catch it?! So what if you found it first?!
Kid: Then let's battle! Seedot Go!
Kid: Seedot use Nature Power!
Rize: Fly high to evade it and use Wing Attack!
Taillow flew high into the sky thus making Nature Power can't reach it and Taillow attacked with Wing Attack and knocked out Seedot in 1 hit!
Kid: Noo!! I'm calling my dad!! You better prepare yourself!
A few minutes later his dad came, it looks like their house is just nearby.
Kid's dad: I'm so sorry for what my child done to you. You see, a few days ago we found this Vulpix abandoned by its trainer here in route 111. Ofcourse you're wondering why is a Vulpix here in the Hoenn region as it can only be found in the Kanto region. Then we took care of it and my child his name is Marc is very interested with the Vulpix.
Marc: I'm sorry too, my dad said it will be better for the Vulpix to go out in an adventure with a trainer and unfortunately I'm still 9 and are not allowed to journey and my brother doesn't want to keep the Vulpix too.
Marc's dad: Say kid, you wanted to catch the Vulpix right? Will you take it to roam the world with you and take care of it for us?
Rize: Are you sure it's okay for Marc?
Marc: It's okay I want this Vulpix to grow stronger so that maybe it can meet it's ex-cruel trainer and beat him in the face!!
Rize: Well okay then..
Marc's dad: Vulpix from today onwards you will be going with Rize on an adventure is that okay with you? Don't worry Rize is a great Trainer and loves Pokemon unlike your Ex-Trainer.
Vulpix didn't want to at first, but after playing together with Rizes' Pokemon it decided to go with Rize and his Pokemon together.
Rize: Allright! Thanks alot!
Marc's dad: Vulpix is a Fire Type Pokemon it will be useful for your team too!
Rize: By the way who is your other child? Is he also on a journey to become a Pokemon Champion too?
Marc's dad: Oh yes! He currently have 4 Badges now he is also in the Junior Category like you!
Marc: My brother is really strong! He is a talented genius!
Rize: What's his name??
Marc's dad: Schumi is his name.
Rize shocked to hear it was Schumi the kid he met earlier in Petalburg Gym.
Rize: I know him! I met him before! Where is he now?!
Marc's dad: I think he is now currently in Lavaridge Town to take down the Gym there. Oh so you know my son! What a coincidence.
Rize: Lavaridge Town huh? Allright! I gotta go now! See you all later and thanks again!
Rize hurried and continued his journey to Route 112 to Lavaridge Town. Will he meet with Schumi again? What he intend to do if he meet with him? Find out on the next Chapter!
Seedot Lv.2
ReplyDeleteTaillow Lv.8