Jin: Hey Rize! Did you just earn a bade from this Gym?
Rize: Yeah.. How bout you?
Jin: I plan to challenge it right now but first.. Can you be my practice partner? I wanna have a battle with you!
Rize: Oh okay then!
After healing the Pokemon, Rize and Jin have their match at route 36.
Rize: How many Pokemon?
Jin: 2! I just caught my first Pokemon!
Rize: Can't wait to see what Pokemon is that! Hoothoot go!
Jin: Sentret let's go!

" Sentret the Scout Pokemon. It is a Normal type. Sentret stands on its tail so it can see a long way. "
Rize: Sentret huh? You can have the first move Jin!
Jin: Don't regret! I won't hold back! Sentret Defense Curl!
Sentret tighten its defense by curling itself.
Jin: Now Rollout Attack!
Due to Defense Curl Rollout's power was more powerful and knocked Hoothoot in an instant.
Rize: What?! You caught me offguard! Now I'm serious! Cyndaquil go!

Jin: Sentret continue with Rollout!
Rize: Cyndaquil let's show your fire rolling power! Flame Wheel!
Cyndaquil and Sentret clashed each other with their attacks but Sentret lost.
Jin: Hmm.. that Cyndaquil is good! But mine is far more better!
Rize: This is what I'm waiting for! Bring on your Cyndaquil and we'll see whose is stronger!
Jin: Haha! Quilava go!

Rize: What?! Could it be..(Rize checked his Pokedex)
" Quilava the Volcano Pokemon and the evolved form of Cyndaquil. It is a Fire type. Be careful if it turns its back during battle. It means that it will attack with the fire on its back "
Jin: Surprise huh.. Thanks to the gift that Prof.Elm gave me last time, it really promotes Growth for Pokemon quickly!
Rize: Even tough it has evolved it doesn't matter coz I'm still gonna win! Cyndaquil Tackle attack!
Jin: Let's show your Tackle attack Quilava!
Both Cyndaquil and Quilava used tackle, but in terms of power, Quilava exceeded Cyndaquil alot.
Rize: "This is bad!" Cyndaquil use Leer to lower its defense!
Jin: Haha! No use! Coz I'm going to finish it right now! Quilava let's show the real fire power! Lava Plume!
Rize: Lava Plume?! What's that move?!
Quilava used a strong fire attack which is Lava Plume but Cyndaquil seems not affected but instead its fire power is blazing stronger!
Jin: What?! How could that be?!
Rize: Chance! Cyndaquil use Flame Wheel!
Jin: Oh no!
Cyndaquil's Flame Wheel attack was greatly boosted and also thanks to Leer Quilava was taken down succesfully.
Jin: How's this even possible?! My Quilava doesn't have that kind of abillity! Could it be that it evolved and lost that abillity?!
Rize: I don't know but it looks like Flash Fire abillity to me.. I also have other Fire Type Pokemon that have this abillity. But let's ask Prof.Elm!
Rize and Jin called Prof.Elm to ask this weird case.
Prof.Elm: Ahh I see.. Yes! The Cyndaquil that you took and Jin took are different Cyndaquil that is unique to their own. The Cyndaquil that Jin took have the abillity Blaze! It gains power and increase its fire power when it is in pinch! While the Cyndaquil that Rize took have the abillity Flash Fire and you guys have seen it with your own eyes! But congratulations Jin for evolving Cyndaquil so quickly! You must be talented!
Jin: Hehe ofcourse I am.. hehe
Prof.Elm: Well good luck to both of you! I gotta go I have research to conduct.
Jin: I'm going to challenge the Violet Gym, let's meet again next time! And ofcourse next time I'm gonna win!
Rize: I'm waiting!
Jin went to Violet city to battle the Gym while Rize continue his journey to roam over Johto region. What other exciting Pokemon will he meet?
Wow already 58 chapters..Nice =D..
ReplyDeleteHoothoot Lv.10
ReplyDeleteCyndaquil Lv.12
Sentret Lv.8
Quilava Lv.15