Fossil Guy: Hey there welcome visitors! You're here to see my Fossil collections?
Rize: Fossils?
Fossil Guy: Yes it's a Fossil of Prehistoric Ancient Pokemon!
Brendan: Wow! You mean Fossils of Pokemon that have long extinct in the past?
Fossil Guy: Yes and they are really powerful too!
Rize: That's weird.. how do Fossils be so powerful? sounds like you have the real ancient Pokemon..
Fossil: Hehehe well.. actually I do! I found this Fossils at the dessert between route 111 and 112 and a friend of mine who is in the Kanto region says that they can revive a Fossil into a living Pokemon!!
Brandon: So you revived your Fossils?!
Fossil Guy: Yes I did! See them with your own eyes!
The Fossil Guy sent out 2 Pokemon from his Pokeballs.

Fossil Guy: They are Anorith and Lileep! Aren't they cool?!
Rize checked the 2 Ancient Pokemon with his Pokedex.
" Anorith the old shrimp Pokemon. Anorith is a Rock and Bug type Pokemon. A Pokemon ancestor that was reanimated from a fossil. It lived in the sea and hunted with claws. "
" Lileep the sea lily Pokemon. Lileep is a Rock and Grass type Pokemon. It lived on the seafloor 100 million years ago and was reanimated scientifically. It disguises its tentacles as flowers to attract and catch prey. "
Rize: Didn't you say they are strong? Why don't we have a battle then?
Fossil Guy: Well how about a double battle then! I'm alone and you with your friend there.
Rize: Double battle?
Brendan: You didn't know? It's where a trainer use 2 Pokemon to battle together or team up with somebody else.
Rize: I never knew such thing exist.. whatever let's do it anyway!
Fossil Guy: I will use different Pokemon for this battle! Armaldo, Cradily time for a battle!

Rize: Wow! They're huge!!
Fossil Guy: They are the evolved form of Anorith and Lileep, Armaldo and Cradily!
Rize once again use his Pokedex to check on the new Pokemon he see and learn about their types.
" Armaldo the plate Pokemon and the evolved form of Anorith. Rock and Bug type Pokemon. Its enormous, retractable claws can cut through most anything. Its entire body is clad in sturdy plates. "
" Cradily the barnacle Pokemon and the evolved form of Lileep. Rock and Grass type Pokemon. It lives in warm seas. Its heavy body weighs it down so it won't get washed away in rough weather. "
Rize: "They're huge and looks slow! I'll win with Speed!" Taillow go!
Brendan: Spinda let's go!

Fossil Guy: You kids can have the first move.
Rize: Taillow Steel Wing on Armaldo!
Brendan: Spinda Dizzy Punch on Cradily!
Armaldo took Steel Wing and it's super effective! But it didn't even scratch! Cradily took the Dizzy Punch which is not so effective but it's confused.
Fossil Guy: Oh noo! My poor Cradily! Armaldo use Fury Cutter on Spinda!
Spinda took the hit and instantly knocked out.
Rize: Wow that was fast! It's up to me now! Taillow another Steel Wing!
Fossil Guy: Armaldo Protect!
Armaldo create a barrier and protected itself preventing Steel Wing to cost damage.
Fossil Guy: Finish that bird with Ancient Power!
Armaldo unleashed a strong attack and hit Taillow really hard and super effective too! Will Rize still able to turn things round? Find out on the next chapter!
Spinda Lv.11
ReplyDeleteTaillow Lv.9
Armaldo Lv.20
Cradily Lv.20